A pineapple a day keeps the worries away.
Pineapple has many valuable and surprising benefits! All of it is contained in the compounds, minerals, and enzymes that make it up the fruit such as Vitamin C, manganese, and Bromelain. All of which can help aid digestion!
Bromelain is especially important as most of the benefits of Pineapple originate from it, such as;
It may reduce cancer risk by minimizing oxidative stress and reducing inflammation.
Bromelain’s anti-inflammatory properties may provide pain relief for those with inflammatory arthritis. One study found bromelain supplements to be as effective in easing osteoarthritis in the lower back as regular pain treatment.
It may reduce discomfort, pain, or swelling after dental surgery. improved recovery after surgical skin procedures.
Moreover, proteases such as bromelain may speed muscle recovery after strenuous exercise by reducing inflammation around the damaged muscle tissue

Watermelon Sugar High!
Watermelon packs a punch when it comes to essential nutrients and for being a delicious treat in the summertime! One of the best things about Watermelon is it's a zero waste food — because get this — you can eat the flesh, the rind, and even the seeds! Most people stick to the sweet and juicy red or pink flesh, but the rind and seeds are edible, too, and they offer their own health benefits.
So what are the benefits?
Watermelon is brimming with nutrients that support our overall eye health and may help prevent age-related vision disorders. Specifically, it's a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as lycopene and lutein+zeaxanthin, several of the big eye game players.
It contains about 15% of your daily vitamin C, along with a wealth of other vitamins and minerals your body needs to optimal functioning, such as potassium and vitamins A and B6. Vitamin C boosts collagen production, which improves skin elasticity and blood flow to the skin. And vitamin A helps repair skin cells, preventing dry, flaky skin, while vitamin B6 helps with skin breakouts.
One important compound in Watermelon is Lycopene, a natural compound found in watermelon and other fruits and vegetables that has antioxidant properties. The substance is what gives watermelon its red color, but research says it has been shown to decrease the risk of cancer and heart disease, too. Lycopene works to protect your cells from damage, Sollid says, and research suggests that it may have blood pressure-lowering effects. Lycopene may also reduce inflammation, and that's good news since chronic inflammation is a known driver of disease risk. Specifically, increasing your lycopene intake may reduce your risk for cancers of the digestive tract and prostate cancer. Lycopene can also play a role in protecting your skin from the sun, Derocha adds, making it less likely you’ll get a sunburn. But it definitely doesn’t mean you should skip the sunscreen
Watermelon is composed of more than 90% water. "As the name implies, watermelon can keep you hydrated,” Derocha explains. “We get 80% of hydration from what we drink and 20% from what we eat; watermelon can definitely help with this balanced intake.” Most adults don’t drink enough water, and hydration is particularly important in the summertime, when temperatures rise and you may lose fluids from sweating. Watermelon contains a high water content and a small amount of fiber. Fiber adds bulk to your stool and keeps you regular, while water helps move waste through your digestive system.
Going back to the zero-waste talk, Rinds are lower in sugar and higher in fiber than the flesh of a watermelon, Meyer-Jax says, “When eaten with the rest of the melon, it helps slow down sugar absorption in the gut and mellows the rise in blood sugar.” They're technically edible raw, but since rinds can be a bit tough, consider enjoying them cooked in a stir fry or curry, pickled, or even juiced.
Watermelon seeds, which can be eaten raw or dried, contain 8g plant protein in just one ounce, says Blatner, and they're also rich in magnesium, which plays a key role in energy production, nerve function, and blood pressure regulation. The seeds are also a good source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which guard against heart attack and stroke and lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.
Shine Bright With Dragon Fruit
Dragon fruit is packed with antioxidants, including polyphenols, carotenoids, and betacyanins. These powerful molecules have protective effects against stress-related and inflammatory diseases, and researchers are particularly interested in what role they may play in preventing and treating cancer
Dragonfruit provides a great benefit of containing the antioxidant, vitamin C. Vital for controlling infections, healing wounds, and protecting against radical damage. vitamin C also plays a role in producing collagen and several hormones important for the nervous system.
Dragonfruit also helps by containing iron as well! It’s unusual for fresh fruit to contain iron, but dragon fruit is a good source of non-heme iron (iron not derived from animal protein), providing 8% of the daily recommendation. The vitamin C in the fruit helps the body better absorb iron.
Dragon fruit is a good source of dietary fiber, which is essential for a healthy digestive system; it helps maintain normal, regular bowel movements and overall bowel health.
High-fiber foods can also assist with weight control as they take longer to digest and create a longer-lasting feeling of satisfaction than low-fiber foods. A one-cup serving of dragon fruit provides 7g of fiber, an impressive 28% of the recommended intake.
Another potential benefit of the high fiber content of dragon fruit is improved cardiovascular health. High-fiber foods have been shown to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, two risk factors for heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in the U.S..
Dragon fruit may also be helpful in reducing another risk factor for heart disease, obesity, as it is low in calories (one cup has about 136 calories) and contains no fat.
Dragon fruit benefits the gut in other ways too. It’s a prebiotic food, which means it promotes the growth of healthy bacteria (probiotics) in the gut. Specifically, dragon fruit promotes the growth of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, probiotics that not only aid in digestion, but also fight viruses and bad gut bacteria.
Dragon fruit may help manage blood sugar levels in multiple ways. Studies show that dragon fruit is effective in lowering glucose levels in people with prediabetes.
Like magnesium, potassium is essential for maintaining healthy cellular activity. Its primary function is to balance fluid levels inside cells, moving nutrients in and flushing waste out. It’s also important for nerve function and muscle contraction.
One cup of dragon fruit contains 300 mg of potassium, around 9% of the daily recommended amount. Dragon fruit is also high in folate (vitamin B9), another important nutrient for cell growth and development, especially red blood cells, RNA, and DNA.
Phosphorus is a mineral that is essential for building and maintaining healthy bones, teeth, tissue, and DNA. It also regulates nerve and muscle function and maintains the PH level of the blood.

Celebrate your occasion with some Cantaloupe
Peak season: June through August.
Excellent source of vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin C.
Antioxidants in cantaloupe help to fight inflammation in the body. They fight free radicals that cause oxidative stress and cell damage, reducing your risk of developing serious health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and more.
Potassium can help to lower high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for heart disease. Fiber helps to decrease levels of “bad cholesterol” in your body. It can also keep your blood pressure in check.
The fruit also has almost 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, which is crucial for your immune health.

Have a drink. Have a coconut!
Coconuts are in season all year long! They grow in bunches of 5 to 20 drupes and a new bunch begins to grow every month, meaning a coconut palm can produce about 100-200 coconuts a year. Coconut trees are considered the most naturally widespread fruit tree on the planet and are native to Southeast Asia and the islands between the Indian and Pacific oceans.
The minerals in coconut are involved in many functions in your body. Coconuts are especially high in manganese, which is essential for bone health and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and cholesterol.
Coconut is high in fiber and low in carbs, so it helps control blood sugar levels in our bodies. The coconut meat and water contain numerous antioxidants that fight against factors causing cell damage. The antioxidant also reduces the risk of many diseases such as cancer.

Honeydew - the sweetest of all melons
August-October peak time
Honeydew can be found with white or yellow skin. Honeydew with white skin tastes sweeter than the yellow-skin variety.
High in vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
Grows in sandy soil on a vine. It takes about 3-4 months for honeydew to grow.
Contains Nutrients Vital to Bone Health: nutrients repairing and maintaining strong bones, including folate, vitamin K and magnesium.
Rich in Electrolytes and Water: when you think of hydration, the first thing that probably comes to mind is water. However, to effectively and properly hydrate, your body needs more than that — it needs electrolytes.
Honeydew melon is about 90% water and contains electrolytes, such as potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium.
This combination of water and nutrients makes honeydew great for hydrating after a workout, during illness or if you’re just trying to stay hydrated throughout your day.